We Provide a Variety of Services to Our Patients at Grass Lake Community Pharmacy
If you don't see a service, please reach out to us so we can help.
Assisted Living Facilities

We care about our community's health! Local assisted living facilities can manage members prescription needs easily and efficiently from our website. With one login, facility staff members can view their entire patient's prescription lists, check the status of a request as well as request refills. Interested in becoming a participating facility? Call us to get your account setup.
Patient Resources

We strive to meet your needs both in the pharmacy and online. Our website is a great resource tool for almost any topic or drug. Browse our daily videos and articles or use our search function on our Patient Resource page. Found a great article? Share articles and videos directly to your social media account. We also provide the ability to check drug interactions and identify pills.
Pet Compounding & Prescriptions

Having trouble giving your pet their medication? Bring in your pet's scripts from your veterinarian and we'll compound a medication specific to their needs that will be easy to take and your pets will love.
Prescription Refills

Time is precious and we're here to help! Access your family's prescriptions wherever you are. We offer 4 convenient ways to request a refill:
1. Give us a call with the Rx# you wish to refill and we'll let you know when it's ready.
2. Create an online account for your family. Click
Sign-Up Today and begin the registration process. Once you have created an account, you will be able to
login, view your active prescriptions and submit them for refill. It's just that easy!
3. Without registering, you can utilize the "Quick Refill" located on our Home Page and quickly submit a prescription for refill. This feature is available to all our patients, registered or not.
4. Always on the go? Download our mobile app and refill your prescriptions anywhere. You can either enter the prescription number manually or by scanning the barcode on your vial label, if available.
FREE Delivery

Do you have trouble getting around? Are you home alone with the kids? Just plain too busy? Don't worry, we deliver within a 5 MILE radius around GLCP in Grass Lake on weekdays for FREE. Call (517) 522-4100 BEFORE 4:00pm for Same Day Delivery.
Immunizations & Vaccinations

GLCP offers a wide variety of vaccines including flu shots, pneumonia, shingles, and COVID-19 Vaccines. Vaccines are normally provided on a walk-ins basis. Currently, high demand has REQUIRED all vaccines be made by appointment.
Schedule An Appointment
Pharmacy Pick-Up & Drop-Off

Grass Lake Community Pharmacy offers pick-up and drop-off for pharmacy customers. When you park in our private parking lot our parking signs will direct you to call the pharmacy to let them know what spot you are at, and whether you need a prescription to be brought out to you or if you are dropping off a script that needs to be filled.
Vaccine Clinics for Businesses, Groups & Organizations

Ensure colleagues are protected with vaccination clinics! Our most common vaccine clinics are Flu Shot Clinics in the fall & COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics. We have other vaccines available, travel vaccine consultations, and administration for those looking to travel internationally.

Individualized medications are created through compounding. Compounding medications can be necessary for taste (pets & children), custom dosing needs, and many other reasons. Call the pharmacy to learn more (517) 522-4100.
Veterinary Medications

Grass Lake Community Pharmacy not only provides your prescription medication to take care of your health, we also carry many pet medications. Save time by bringing your pet's prescription to us. Call us to learn more (517) 522-4100.
Healthy Kids FREE Vitamin Program

GLCP's Healthy Kids FREE Vitamin Program provides a 30-day supply of chewable multivitamins every month for one year to children between 4 and 12 years of age.
Medication Flavoring

Ask GLCP how we can make medicine time a better experience for your whole family, with medication flavoring available for all child and pet medications!
Nursing Home/Assisted Living Medication Delivery

GLCP packages and delivers medications to our patients in local nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Monthly DELIVERY and/or same day delivery are included at NO ADDITIONAL COST to our patients.
Individualized Monthly Packaging

Allow Grass Lake Community Pharmacy to help simplify how you take your medications with our monthly packaging! Ask about specialized blister packs for all your routine medications (517) 522-4100.
Medication Synchronization

Tired of coming into the pharmacy multiple times a month to pick up medications? GLCP can help you fill all prescriptions on the same day monthly! (517) 522-4100